SESEA Worldwide Volunteer program (SWVP)


We host volunteers in several amazing locations worldwide; If you want to experience living and working abroad; preferable in a natural environment and learning a traditional skill or craft than consider one of SESEA locations; associated partner organisations.

SESEAs members have been working in many countries worldwide, establishing friendships and partnerships around the world. If you are interested to join one of the teams as a volunteer and assist at one the various activities check our worldwide volunteer program. We offer work experience places for eco-building, creating and/or commercializing local art and craft, organic gardening, etc. Find out the possibilities, and contact us if you want to get involved.

We offer short programs of three (3) weeks but also longer periods of 9-12 months

No specific skill or previous experience is required but we of SESEA appreciate your own ideas, initiatives and other input. Especially if you’re open to art, teambuilding skills, storytelling, music, yoga and meditation etc. SESEA believes that it is not ‘what you do; but how you do it’. Many of our previous participants stated that they’ve been through a ‘live changing experience’.  

Check the SWVP programs offering, data, prices, terms and conditions. 

SESEA Volunteer project sites

Countries 2024-2025

Become a volunteer in the gardens of Sakkara, Egypt

In the Giza desert at the oases of Sakkara, lays a 6000-year-old village. The ancient ways are still preserved; people are riding on the Arabian bred desert horses, or their beautifully dressed camels, wearing their djellaba custom cloth and eating fully organic from their gardens. During the rainy seasons man force is needed for gardening and looking after the horses. Read more

Ivory Coast

The Baule land is established by the Queen of Pokoe who fled, with her followers from the Ashanti Kingdom in. Come and listen to the complete story during one of the late-night gatherings in the village of Leleble, Taabo, or join us to built a eco-village in the surrounding plantation. Read more

Become a music instrument maker, or an art sculpturer in the artistic village of Adjarra in Benin.

You can join the guild and learn the principles of African art; starting from selecting the wood of a destined tree in the sacred forest, and giving you creation a finishing tough with paint made from roots, leaves or bark, and join in the rhythm of your self-made Djembe. Adjarra is a small rural town nearby Porto Novo the second city of Benin….Read more

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